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The Historic Jubilee Baptist Church
Est. 1864
Putting JESUS first! Loving OTHERS thru service! Faithfully YIELDING ourselves to the Will of God! This is the JOY of Jubilee!
Pastor Reggie Garrett, M.M. - Senior Pastor
Evangelist Janine Garrett -First Lady & Associate Minister

Worship Services
In every service at Jubilee, we seek to create an atmosphere in which God's Glory is manifested and His Name is Lifted on High. We invite everyone to join in these services and not spectate but participate in this Move of God, and discover the J.O.Y of Jubilee!

Virtual Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7pm
NEW Virtual Bible Study
Forgiving what I Cannot forget.
By: Lysa Terkeurst
Pastor Reggie Garrett

Wednesday at 12pm
In-Person "Sunday School" Study
In Person Bible Study is every Wednesday Afternoon at 12pm. Prayer Line # 657-390-7305 & Facebook Live are also available options.
Every Wednesday Afternoon (12pm)
"The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much." James 5:16
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