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The JOY of Jubilee
" The Mother Church"

Jubilee Baptist Church, located on 525 Old Rutherford Road, Taylors SC, is the oldest African American Church in the Upper Piedmont Section of South Carolina, and is often referred to as the "Mother Church."  The church has a rich ,colorful and proud heritage that dates back to slavery.  The name "Jubilee" was given to the church to celebrate the slaves freedom and we continue to celebrate that freedom in Christ according to John 8:36, "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed."


The church, unlike other African American churches was organized independently from white congregations.  However it was a white minister, The Reverend F. Whilden who is credited to initiating the organization of Jubilee in 1864.


During the period of acquisition, the members held church services in various homes until enough money could be raised to buy the land and build the church.  the first pastor elected was  the Reverend Jerry Foster.  Our current pastor is the Reverend Reggie Garrett who is our 23rd pastor who has served our  church.  Under his leadership our church has grown spirtually and physically.  The Best is still yet to come.

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